Thursday, May 3, 2012

I did it.

I started a blog. Ta-da! I apologize for the cheesy background and overall boring-ness of the looks of it, I promise I will make it better. After someone shows me how. ;) For now I was going for something a little more "Autumn" than plain white or pink flowers.

(Fact: I am not a fan of pink. I even feel weird wearing pink. So I don't. Maybe that will change if I have a daughter someday...? Not likely.)

(Fact: Saying "fact" makes me think of Jim & Dwight on The Office. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.)

But seriously, which of my amazing blogging friends wants to help the new girl?? I hate feeling like I don't know what I'm doing, which is one of the reasons why I have put this off for so long. I can do the writing, just not so big on the cutesy-appealing-looking-website skills.

A warning up front... I am a rambler when I write, so I do not promise short posts but I will try my best not to bore you. I will also try to have a topic so I'm not just randomly talking, like I am right now. ;)

One last thing then I'm done for now. I had to come up with a name for my blog before I started writing, so I thought about it all day. For those who may not know, Starr is my middle name and I've always liked it and been a little obsessed with stars, so I knew that had to be part of it. I was trying to avoid being too cheesy or too serious though... I needed to find something a little cheesy and a little serious. Like me.

One of my favorite things to do is to look at the stars. They are beautiful... mysterious... humbling. They make me feel very small, and very at peace. This is what my blogging is all about... finding my place, and finding my peace. Gazing in, then gazing up.

I read a great C.S. Lewis quote earlier... "God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. You are as much alone with Him as if you were the only being He had ever created." I love how the stars make me feel small because I realize how petty and fleeting my problems are. I am NOT a big deal. And then there is a sense of awe and amazement when I realize that even though I am a very small speck in this world, God knows me as if I was His only child. It is amazing, and oh so humbling.

Just like the stars. :)


1 comment:

  1. i love you girl!! & i am praying for you and your sweet blogging adventure! i have had to pay people to make my blog look cute, but i might be able to help you a tiny bit! i'll email you!

    ps. you are amazing.
